Techno Gel Gum
Single bottle two-component insulation with very high dielectric, thermal and sealing characteristics. Waterproof and re-enterable.
TechnoGelGum is a strong hold flexible elastomer optimal for protecting power cables, telecommunication cables, and electronic circuits. TechnoGelGum combines the best of Gel and Rubber, making it elastic and flexible like Gel, but also tough and dry like rubber.
- For installations up to 1kV
- Suitable for high temperatures
- Even suitable for high depths under water
- Waterproof > MPa
- UV resistant
- Removable
- Vibration resistant - can act as a damper
- Suitable for installation in salt water (sea) and in chlorinated water (pools)
- Non toxic and safe
Dielectric strength: > 21 kV/mm
Cross linking time: fast (about 10 min. at 25°C)
Volume resistivity: >2 . 10¹⁵ Ω cm
Operating temperature: -60°C / +200°C
Overload temperature for short periods: up to 250°C
Stabilised for: mould - UV
Degree of protection: IP68 (in proper casings)